Data structures for deep learning

I recently completed the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree (highly worth doing by the way), which focuses on implementing a variety of deep learning architectures using PyTorch. At the outset, it's pretty fundamental to understand the data structures you'll be encountering as inputs to and outputs from your neural network architecture. What I noticed was that... Continue Reading →

Linear algebra – check!

It's been a quiet few weeks on this blog as I spent nearly every spare moment wrestling with the challenges of linear algebra - and I'm in a celebratory mood this afternoon having passed everything within time! I must say that, having some tentative foundational skills, I'm left with 2 main feelings: A tremendous sense of... Continue Reading →

A gem of a book :)

I've just bought this delightfully titled book: No bullshit guide to linear algebra by Ivan Savov. It's not necessarily easy learning everything you need to know about linear algebra for machine learning in 5 weeks (is that just me???) - so when I hit a bit of a brick wall in week 4 I went looking... Continue Reading →

3Blue1Brown – thank you!

This resource was just recommended via Coursera Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra, and all I can say is WOW! Animated math: it's slick, it's professional, it's cute, it makes you smile - and it makes it all seem so obvious :). I can heartily recommend you take the time if you need help on Linear Algebra. In... Continue Reading →

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